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A claimant can qualify for free prescription/ health costs if on the date they claim help with health costs:
a) they receive Universal Credit and either had no earnings or had net earnings of £435 or less in their last Universal Credit assessment period
b) they receive Universal Credit, which includes an element for a child, or they (or their partner) had limited capability for work (LCW) or limited capability for work and work-related activity (LCWRA), and they either had no earnings or net earnings of £935 or less in their last Universal Credit assessment period We have explained in past newsletters that the tick box for Universal Credit exemption for prescription charges does not exist. The government advise people to tick the box for income-based Jobseeker's Allowance instead.

Soon hopefully that will change.

The government has said

'The new FP10 National Health Service prescription form, which includes a tick box for Universal Credit claimants who meet the criteria for free prescriptions, is now being printed. Once the contractor has built sufficient stock to meet orders from the NHS, the form will be distributed.'

The NHS website suggests if a client is not sure if they are eligible-

'Make sure you ask for and keep receipts. If you pay for a prescription, you must get a receipt and refund form (FP57) at the time you pay, as you won't be able to get one later.'

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