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Damien Green, in a speech to the Conservative Party conference 2016, has said-


...Conservatives know that the real helping hand involves giving people the chance to work, to earn, to progress, and to control their own lives...My vision is a Welfare State that’s fit for the world of work in the 21st century.

That offers work for those who can, help for those who could, and care for those who can’t.  That responds to a dynamic economy, global labour, new technology, to new ways of working and new, exciting ways of doing business.   Because for Beveridge, the world of work looked very different. It was a world where jobs were mostly done by men, almost all full time, and often for one employer over an entire working life.

All of that has changed. We have seen the decline of the old 9 to 5, and the rise of new kinds of flexible working, self-employment, entrepreneurship....Doing a job is for most people the best route out of poverty, but it is much more than that. Work is better for their self-esteem, their sense of worth, and their physical and mental health.'


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