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'Welfare Conditionality: Sanctions, Support and Behaviour Change' is a major 5

year programme of research funded by the Economic and Social Research

Council. It brings together teams of researchers working in six English and

Scottish Universities.


Key findings are-

● 'Welfare conditionality within the social security system is largely

ineffective ...

● Recurrent short-term movements between various insecure jobs... are

routine among the minority who were able to obtain some paid work across

the period. Occasional sustained movements, off welfare benefits and into

work, ...are extremely rare...

● For a substantial minority, welfare conditionality ... initiates and sustains a

range of negative behaviour changes and outcomes including:

counterproductive compliance, disengagement from the social security

system, increased poverty, and on occasions, destitution, movements into

survival crime, exacerbated ill health and impairments...

● Behaviour change in respect of both movements off social security benefits

and also the cessation of anti-social or problematic behaviour is complex

and rarely linear...

● There is little evidence that social tenants adjust their behaviour as a result

of having a fixed-term rather than open-ended tenancy...

● Benefit sanctions do little to enhance people’s motivation to prepare for,

seek, or enter paid work. They routinely trigger profoundly negative

personal, financial, health and behavioural outcomes and push some

people away from collectivised welfare provisions...

● Within conditional welfare interventions the provision of appropriate and

meaningful support, rather than sanction, is pivotal in triggering and

sustaining both paid employment and positive change such as the

reduction of anti-social or problematic behaviours....

● ... much of the mandatory job search, training and employment support

offered by Jobcentre Plus and external providers is too generic, of poor

quality and largely ineffective in enabling people to enter and sustain paid


● The flexibilities or ‘easements’ designed to suspend or reduce the work

search/job related conditions attached to an individual’s benefit claim in

recognition of particular circumstances (eg, homelessness, lone parenthood,

illness), are not currently being routinely implemented...

● ... people believe that in many cases welfare conditionality is being

inappropriately implemented....Ethical legitimacy-widely viewed as unjust.


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